Red Light Man

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Red Light Man is a manufacturer and retailer based in the UK, providing LED light therapy devices to people all over the world. We have a strong commitment to customer service and product quality.

This website began in late 2014 after years of research and interest into the effects of light on all organisms, including micro-organisms, plants and animals.

Due to the massive amounts of scientific studies done on light therapy (LLLT, photobiomodulation, etc.), the company founder was curious to try it out for himself, but quickly noticed the inadequate availability of high powered light therapy devices on the market. Most products were far too weak to be effective in a reasonable time frame, not to mention over-priced.

After months of prototype product development, this site was built to provide the public with access to effective light therapy devices at a reasonable price.

Payment Plan : NO

Warranty : 1 year



Contact Information

Suite 312 Atlas House Caxton Close, Wigan, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom, WN3 6XU

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